The difference between social and copy trading

The difference between Social trading and Copy trading | DupliTrade Blog

Social and copy trading are two popular methods that allow investors to trade financial markets. Both methods have their advantages and disadvantages, so it’s essential to understand the difference before deciding which one is right for you.

What is social trading?

Social trading is a form of investing that allows traders to follow the trades of other successful traders. Australian traders can do this type of trading through online platforms such as eToro and ZuluTrade. 

Advantages of social trading

The main advantage of social trading is that it offers investors the opportunity to learn from more experienced traders. By following the trades of these traders, investors can gain insights into how they make money and what strategies they use to achieve success. 

Another great advantage of social trading is that it can be a more hands-off approach than traditional investing because investors are not required to do any research or analysis themselves, as they can copy the trades of other traders. 

Disadvantages of copy trading

However, there are also some disadvantages to social trading. One is that it can be risky, as investors trust other people to make trades on their behalf. Another is that it can be expensive, as some social trading platforms charge high fees. 

What is copy trading?

Copy trading is a form of investing that allows traders to copy other successful traders’ trades automatically. All traders can do this type of trading through online platforms.

Advantages of copy trading

The main advantage of copy trading is that it offers investors the opportunity to profit from the success of other traders without having to do any research or analysis themselves, which can be a more hands-off approach than traditional investing, which often requires investors to do their research.

Another advantage of copy trading is that it can be less risky than social trading, as investors know they are copying a real trader instead of taking advice from an online forum. Instead, they are simply copying the trades of other traders who have a proven track record. 

Disadvantages of copy trading

However, there are also some disadvantages to copy trading. One is that it can still be risky, as even successful traders can sometimes make losing trades. Another is that it can be expensive, as some copy trading platforms have very high fees. 

Why do Australian traders use copy and social trading?

There are many reasons why Australian traders use copy and social trading. One is that these platforms offer investors the opportunity to profit from the success of other traders without having to do any research or analysis themselves, which can be a more hands-off approach than traditional investing, that requires investors to do their research.

Another reason why Australian traders use copy and social trading is that they feel like their risk is reduced by either sharing knowledge or copying another trader directly. It is important to always analyse the profitability and strategies of the traders you choose to copy.

Finally, Australian traders may use copy and social trading because these platforms because they do not have time to monitor markets and place trades themselves.

Which trading strategy is better?

Social and copy trading are both popular methods for investing in financial markets. Both strategies have advantages and disadvantages, so it’s essential to understand the difference before deciding which one is right for you. If you’re looking for a more hands-off approach, copy trading may be better. However, if you’re willing to take on a greater time commitment in exchange for the potential to learn from more experienced traders, then social trading may be the better choice.

What other strategies do Australian traders use?

There are many other strategies that Australian traders use to make money from the financial markets. Some popular strategies include day trading, swing trading, and scalping.


Both social and copy trading are popular methods for investing in financial markets. Social mt4 copy trading offers investors the opportunity to learn from more experienced traders. In contrast, copy trading allows investors to profit from the success of other traders without having to be glued to the markets themselves.